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- Go to ‘New payout’.
- Fill the mandatory fields:
- Payout information:
- Description of the payment request, the concept of the collaboration.
- Amount: the amount you agreed with your client.
- Currency: the currency you want to receive your payment in. To view the complete list, you need to click the ‘x’ at the end of the field.
- Client information:
- Name and email address of your client, or the person who contacted you.
- If your client already registered in our platform, you may find their name or company’s by searching for it in the dropdown. Then, the rest of the information will be filled out automatically.
Any additional information such as payment method, invoice or other client’s information is encouraged, but not mandatory. For the payment method your options may vary, depending on the verification of your profile.
- Payout information:
- Click the button ‘Create draft’, in the bottom right corner.
- In page ‘Payout details’, carefully review all the information and make sure everything is correct. Here you can edit the draft, delete it all together or request your payout.
Note: Once you request your payout you will not be able to modify it whatsoever. - Click the button ‘Request payment’ to make it official.
We will notify you with any new information or status changes for your payment request.